World Games 2013: Tickets for airsports sold out !
Thursday, 01 August 2013 17:51
On the morning of the kickoff of the airsports events at the World Games 2013 in Cali, Colombia, all signs are go for Parachuting Canopy Piloting and Paragliding Accuracy, as the news came that all the tickets for airsports competitions are sold out. In total, the two events will welcome 2000 people every day. World Games 2013: Last practice day for airsports
Thursday, 01 August 2013 12:29
Yesterday parachuting canopy piloting and paragliding accuracy athletes and officials had a last chance to get ready before the competitions start tomorrow in Cali, Colombia, at the World Games 2013, in front of full rows of spectators. Jessica Edgeinton from USA, one of the top female canopy piloting athletes with high hopes for the World Games Champion title, was getting ready for the competition : "We don’t have super strong wind here, but we are going faster because of the altitude [Cali is located at 1000 m], so it is challenging, especially for the accuracy event. The course set up is nice, and today we had a good practice. For tomorrow I try to keep my focus and not overanalyze everything, relax and get some good sleep," she said. FS & AE Eurpoean Championlships & World Cups, Banjaluka, BjH 2013
Sunday, 28 July 2013 11:22
Bulletin No. 1 and Bulletin No. 2 are now published on this site. Information Notice 47 (2013)
Monday, 15 July 2013 14:25
Please click on the link to read the latest Information Notice Video Animations on-line of the Artistic Compulsory Sequences
Sunday, 14 July 2013 09:13
The IPC Artistic Events Committee is proud to be able to present online video animations of the compulsory sequences 2013 both for freestyle skydiving and freeflying. In this way, a long voiced wish of competitors has finally been realised. The committee expresses its thanks to AE judge Ron Miasnikov and Oren Balbus, both from Israel for this work.
Canopy Piloting European Cup & World Championships, Kolomna, 2013
Monday, 08 July 2013 19:01
Bulletin No. 1 is now published on this site. Bulletin No. 2 is now published - follow the link or go via the box on the front page "Events Calendar", select "Search", select "7th World Cup in Canopy Piloting - Details" - select "Documents" and there are Bulletins 1 & 2. World Cups & European Championships in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing, Cheboksary, Russia, 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013 12:59
Bulletin No. 1 is now published on this web site: Bulletin No. 2 is now published on this website - either click on the link or follow the menu path: "Events" - "Events Calandar and Results" "Details" against the entry for Cheboksary (either event) - "Documents" 14th FAI World Para-Ski Championships, Tanay, Russia, 11-16 March 2014
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 09:26
Bulletin No. 1 in now published and available on this site. Either click on the link or:
Go to : "Events" - "Events Calendar and Results", Select year 2014, Select World Para-Ski Championships, Select "Documents" and you will find Bulletin No. 1. All documents relating to this competition will be published there. 2nd Bureau Newsletter, 2013
Tuesday, 18 June 2013 16:10
The Latest Newsletter from the Bureau is now published Click on the link - or follow the menu - "Documents" - Bureau Newsletters - 2013 2nd Bureau Newsletter All the previous newsletters are list by year. Latest Technical Information Notices - June 2013
Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:33
Follow the links for the TWO new Information Notices: For all previous notices follow the menu links above : "Our Sport" - Technical and Safety Information Notices" - "Information Notices" by year. Para Ski Competition Rules 2014
Friday, 24 May 2013 07:47
The Competition Rules for 2014, Para-Ski are now published on this site: follow this link More Articles...