
World Championships in FS, AE and SP, Prostejov, Czech Republic, August 2014 - Bulletin no. 1



Bulletin 1 is now published on this web site.  Follow the link or

go to Events Calander - Prostejov - and click on the pdf icon.

If you visit the Web site of the competition you will find a list of entries todate.


World Championships in S&A, JS&A & CF, Banja Luka, Aug 2014 - Bulletin No. 2

BJ 2014-logo

Bulletin No. 2  is now posted on this web site

Bulletin No. 1 is now published on this web site.  Either follow this link "Bulletin" or go to

Events Calendar - Competitions in Banja Luka - Documents - Bulletin 1 - Bulletin 2.

Get the Bug for Air Sports with the new FAI Video

glider-aero landscapeThe FAI has released a new video featuring all air sports activities under the umbrella of the Federation. The 3-minute film succinctly presents the FAI sports and includes footage of FAI international records from Charles Lindbergh to Felix Baumgartner.


FAI World Air Games 2015 to be Staged in Dubai

FAI-UAE-Signature-WAG 04 June 2014 9The FAI announced today that the 2015 edition of the FAI World Air Games has been awarded to the United Arab Emirates and will be held in Dubai. This multi-discipline event will be organised by the Emirates Aerosports Federation and will take place over a period of 12 days in December 2015. It is the only world competition that brings together the various different air sports.


Glider Aerobatics, Parachuting Canopy Piloting and Paramotors at The World Games 2017


The FAI is pleased to announce that Glider Aerobatics, Parachuting Canopy Piloting and Paramotors have been selected by the IWGA (International World Games Association) for The World Games 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland. All three will be grouped as disciplines under the Air Sports banner.


COLPAR - Bulletin No. 1

colpar LOGOCOLPAR have published the 1st Bulletins for their three 2nd Category Event competitions this year: Accuracy in Cuba: Canopy Piloting in Brazil and the POPS meet in Argentina, all in one document.


This is available on this web site, either by following the link - COLPAR bulletins - or by going to Documents, Events, scroll down and you will find it following the year dates.

Judges Training Course - Speed Skydiving - 2014


Current FAI Judges who are interested in qualifying in this new discipline can attend the training course organised at this year's First World Cup in Speed Skydiving, August 25-3, 1Prostejov, Czech Republic.


There is a notice about  this course published on this web-site.  Follow the link, or go to Documents, Officials, Judges & Delegates and the notice is under Judges and then Judge Training Course/

2014 FAI Young Artists Contest winners revealed

2.1 OTGONBAYAN MGL 1Youngsters from China, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and USA are among the winners of the 2014 FAI Young Artists Contest, which every year awards FAI Medals and Diplomas to artists in three age categories from 6 to 17 years old.

Competition was fierce, not only because of the quality of the artworks, but also due to the significant rise in participation: the number of FAI Members taking part in the contest soared from 14 in 2013 to 21 in 2014 with the involvement Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Finland, India, Italy, Japan, Libya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nepal, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and USA.


World Championships & World Cup in FS, AE and SP, Prostejov, Czech Republic, Aug 2014




Bulletin No. 1 is now published on this web site, either follow the links via the Events Calendar or click here.

The entry form will follow very shortly.

COLPAR and other 2nd Category Events

colpar LOGO

The IPC Events Calendar (menu button to right of front page) now covers both 1st Category Events (World Championships, World Cups etc) and 2nd Category Events (like the following competitions).

So if you are, or may be, interested in these events read on:

COLPAR have published information on:

49th Argentina Parachuting Completion (Accuracy Landings) - 1 - 4 May - San Francisco, Cordoba, Argentina

11th Latin American Championships & 1st Friendship Cup (Accuracy Landings and Team Accuracy) 14-21 July, Voradero, Matanzas, Cuba.

12th Latin American Championships (Canopy Piloting) 2 - 7 September, Botuva, Brazil

22nd World Pops Meeting and Championships, 14-22 November, San Juan, Argentina.

In addition we have three Russian competitions, two Individual Accuracy competitions:  one in Nazran, 25-28 July and the other in Makhachkala 8-14 September and a Paracross competition in Menzelinsk, Tartars tan the 25-31 August.

Not to forget the Australian Skydiving Nationals in York, Australia 16 - 21 April.

Visit the Events Calendar for full information.


1st Bureau Newsletter for 2014



Go to the menu box on the right of the page "Bureau Newsletters" to read the latest news from Graeme Windsor and your bureau.  Lots has happened in the first three months of this year.