
2013 FAI Annual Report available now !

2013FAI-Annual-Report Capture CoverThe 2013 FAI Annual Report, which gives an overview of last year’s activities and achievements of the Federation, has been released.


On Line Judges Training Courses

on-line coursePlease can we ask for patience (a good judging virtue) from all judges and would-be judges who have tried to access the On Line Judges Training Courses.  These are still under construction and those that are completed need to be updated with the regulation changes.

The Judges committee and the Judge Training Co-ordinator, Karla Cole are working hard to bring the system up to date, and to have it available as soon as possible.

Meanwhile if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either Pia Beggren (Committee Chair) or Karla Cole via the FAI.

12th March 2014, Susan Dixon

2014 World Championships - Judges Panels


The Panel of Judges appointed for all the FCE's in 2014 are now published on the Documents page under Officials, Judges and Delegates, Judges.

Or follow these links - Artistic Events   :    Canopy Formation      Formation Skydiving     Freefall Style & Accuracy Landings    Canopy Piloting    Indoor Skydiving    Speed Skydiving

or you can also find them if you go to the menu item above "About us", Judges.

Green airsports honoured with new environmental award

Angelo d ArrigoThe FAI Environmental Commission (EnvC) has established the Angelo d’Arrigo Diploma, a new FAI environmental award which aims at recognising and promoting major contributions in the field of environmental and sustainable development, in accordance with the development of a philosophy and a vision of sport aviation that increasingly wants to be respectful of the environment that surrounds it.


The IPC Strategic Plan

strategic plan

A video presentation of the plan is now available by following the link

IPC Strategic Plan (2013)

Ranking Lists - 2013 Finalised

Final Ranking ListNiels-Christians for 2013

Following the end of the season for FCE's the ranking lists for 2013 have been finalised.

There are few surprises as those Nations that have dominated in different disciplines continue to do so, however in one or two cases the failure to enter every possible First Category Event has had an impact.

Freefall Style and Precision Accuracy:

In the Male event the first position is spread between countries, for Accuracy : Slovenia, Style : the Czech Republic and Overall : Russia.  Russia however wipes the board in the Female events taking first position in Accuracy, Style and Overall.

Formation Skydiving;

The dominance of Belgium (first place) continues in the 4-Way Open event;  however despite France’s dominance of the 4-way Female event, first position goes to USA because they competed in all 5 of the FCE’s in the 4 years that count.  France continued their dominance of the 8-way and VFS events, but UAE are now in second place in VFS which could make 2014  interesting.

Artistic Events,

Great Britain take first place in Freestyle despite France’s dominance, due to consistence of entry but France retains their first position in Freefly.

Canopy Piloting

Continues with the dominance of the USA taking first place in all 4 elements of this discipline.

The ranking lists are available under the following drop-down menu:
“Events” “Rankings” and the guide to how it all works on this link

Susan Dixon
November 2013

2013 World Cups & European Championships DVD's

Banjaluka logo


DVD's of all teams and all jumps both for Artistic Events and Formation Skydiving are now availabe to purchase.


The 2013 FAI IPC competition rules, draws, artistic events free routine description sheets, scores and team lists are also included. Video files will play on most computer platforms and configurations with free Apple QuickTime software installed.

Follow this link to order and purchase:



3rd 2013 Bureau Newsletter

gwThe latest Bureau Newsletter is now published.


Read the up to date news on the activities of the Bureau and our President

Follow the button tab to the right of the front page screen.

Canopy Piloting - The Events Illustrated

Turning in on the Speed carve

Our sport is dynamic and visually stunning , but sometimes difficult to explain  to non participants.  For the World Games 2013 the FAI PR team put together single page illustrations to show what it was all about in terms of the Parachuting element.

These are designed to be shown on a big screed during an event or used in press packs to simply show what is the objective of the competitors.  The photographs can be seen by folowing the link to Our Sport and Canopy Piloting.  .pdf versions are available also on the following links.

 Speed (1 & 2 ) were designed for the rules used specifically for the World Games, but Accuracy and Distance are currently accurate.


Another first for Dubai

IMG 0477 Jarrett Martin copyJarrett Martin, a Junior member of the USA Freefall Style & Accuracy Team qualified to compete at the 4th DIPC (Dubai International Parachuting Championships) – however Jarrett is different from other competitors in that he is paraplegic.  So USPA sought the agreement of the organisation in Dubai for Jarrett to enter.

The response was an emphatic yes “We should do everything in our power to support such a young man’s athletic desire and ideals”

This is Jarrett’s story – his refusal to allow the results of his accident to alter his drive and determination to follow his sport and achieve his goals is truly inspiring:


37th CISM, Qionglai, China

CISM logo


The 37th CISM World Championships finished today.


Check out the web site for all the results and stories