
1st World Cup in Indoor Skydiving, Austin, USA, Nov 2014 -Day 3

Final Day of the World Cup of Indoor Skydiving

Today was the third and final day of the 1st World Cup of Indoor Skydiving. The final results, together with a judged video for each flight, are available at the relevant link above.  The final rounds were conducted with a huge number of spectators in attendance and the atmosphere was electric, although there was not much risk of a change in the final ranking in FS.   Flying kicked off with FS Open followed by FS Female.  The two rounds were rapidly completed and the judges kept up pretty well with the scoring. FS Open was won by the Bad Boys from the Czech Republic and Female FS was won by Aerokart Deep Blue from France.  After a break when the FAI Officials were given another opportunity to fly, the Artistic Events took off.  Judging AE is slower than FS so while waiting for the scores to come out, the iFly staff gave a brilliant demonstration of what can be done in a tunnel.  The final round brought some change to the Freestyle scores with Olga Bakulina from Russia slipping from second place to third, replaced by Collective Freestyle (Michael Sylva Jr).


5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Daily Diary - 8th November

Final Approved Results                        On-line TV Coverage of the Championships

Competitors meeting

The competitors meeting was held at 15.00 hrs with Dr. 'Exi' Rainer Hoenle (Committee Chair, CP) explaining the changes to the rules proposed for the coming year.  These were generally well accepted and the questions raised by the competitors will be considered by the committee at the next IPC plenary meeting in Jan/Feb 2015.

The closing ceremony happened as planned at 18.30 and medals and diplomas were awarded.  This was followed by the closing banquet, with good food and a happy and relaxed atmosphere.  Jim Heyhurst handed out the various certificates for National records that had been broken during the competition.




65th IPC Plenary - Vashets, Bulgaria - 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2015


IPC Bulgaria_nac


Bulletin No. 1 is available on this site for the 65th IPC Meeting to be held in

Bulgaria, Vashets, Spa Hotel ATA from 28th January - 1st February 2015

World Parachuting Accuracy Landing and Canopy Formation Events in Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2014-parachuting-banjalukaThe pictures of the competitions are now online !

38th CISM World Military Parachuting Championships

windsor wings_red

At the opening ceremony of the 38th CISM WPMC in Indonesia, IPC President, Graeme Windso was presented with his Indonesian Parachute Wings in respect of the jumps he had made from the miliary aircraft in Solo.


COLPAR Latin American Championships in Canopy Piloting 2014 - Results

Logo COLPAR_CPCOLPAR recently concluded their Latin American Championships in Canopy Piloting, 3 – 7 September 2014, which were held at the National Skydiving Centre in the City of Boituva, being about 116kms from Brazil's largest city, São Paulo.


World Championships in FS & AE and WC in SP, Prostejov, Czech Rep, Aug 2014 - Day 6

THE Fun FlagA rare sight - FS Judges with THE Fun Flag!

Day 6: 30 August 2014

CLICK HERE to access the LIVE Results Page.  


World Championships in S&A, JS&A & CF, Banja Luka, Aug 2014 - Day 7

CLICK HERE  to access the Results Page.  LIVE results are anticipated for Canopy Formations, with Accuracy & Style results being posted at the end of each round. 


COLPAR Accuracy Results 2014 - Cuba

colpar LOGOCOLPAR Accuracy 2014 - Results

 The results of the Accuracy competion in Cuba organised by COLPAR are now published on this site.  Follow the link above.

Congratulations go to BRAZIL for 1st place in the Team Event with CUBA A second and ARGENTINA third.


5th DIPC, Dubai 26 Nov - 7 Dec 2014 - Bulletins

LOGO-2014 klein

Bulletin No. 2 plus documents. . : is now available with all the final details and the full delegation listing from this site, and the organisers web site..   

Bulletin No. 1  is now published on this web-site for the 5th DIPC in Dubai (UAE) from 26th November to 7th December 2014.

Follow the link on the Events Calendar under this event (the pdf logo) or the direct link from this article.

It is also available on the organiser's web site @ 


1st World Cup of Indoor Skydiving, Austin, US - 11-16 Nov 2014

Austin Indoor_LogoBulletin 1 + Entry Form

Bulletin No. 1 is now published on this site.  Either click on the link above -

or go to the Events Callendar button to the right of this page:  beneath the Upcoming FAI World and Continental Championships (cat 1) table click on -  "All upcoming Cat 1 Events"  - find the entry for the 1st FAI World Cup of Indoor Skydiving and click on -  the PDF symbol.