
FAI News 02/08

FAI, IAOPA PLEDGE COOPERATION TO SAFEGUARD WORLDWIDE GENERAL AVIATION ACCESS At a summit meeting held 5 February 2008 in Frederick, Maryland, USA, Pierre Portmann, president of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), and Phil Boyer, president of the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA), discussed a range of high-level issues affecting general aviation worldwide.

They agreed upon the need for cooperation to safeguard general aviation access to airspace and aerodromes, and to reduce the costs of flying. This meeting stemmed from the success of a joint statement, presented by the two organizations at the recent ICAO 36th Assembly, that was instrumental in delaying implementation of the new language proficiency standards that would unnecessarily penalize pilots exercising VFR privileges in neighboring countries.

Dr Ruedi Gerber, IAOPA Europe senior vice president, was also present for discussion of specific issues affecting European general aviation issues, including airspace functionality, aerodrome preservation and equipment requirements as they apply to the AOPA core member and to the full range of airsports activities governed by FAI.

The two organizations resolved to collaborate regularly on major issues affecting world general aviation and, when possible, to harmonize policy positions.

FAI is the world air sports federation, founded in 1905. It is a non-governmental and non-profit making international organisation with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide.
For more information visit www.fai.org, or contact FAI Secretary General Max Bishop at +41 21 345 1070.

IAOPA represents the interests of AOPA affiliates in 66 countries worldwide, comprising more than 470,000 general aviation and aerial work pilots and aircraft operators. The Council was formed in 1962 to provide a voice for general aviation in world aviation forums.
For more information, visit www.iaopa.org, or contact IAOPA Secretary General John Sheehan at +1 910 509 1863.