
New President heads World Air Games 2009

FAI leaders travelled to Turin last week to meet the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and review progress in planning for the World Air Games. FAI President Pierre PORTMANN had the opportunity to meet Mr. Guiseppe VIRIGLIO, recently elected as the new LOC President.

Mr. Guiseppe Viriglio has wide industrial experience in aeronautics, telecommunication, satellite and space systems, and is on the Board of several high-tech companies. He recently left the European Space Agency, where he was in overall charge of all EU and Industrial Programmes. The retiring President, Mr. Bruno Rambaudi will remain in the Turin team as a very active member of the LOC Board.

The FAI delegation noted the success of the various test events held recently in Turin and at Mondovi. Sporting aspects were progressing well and useful experience had been gathered to enable finalisation of plans for TV coverage and live-tracking.

The next test event (Hang Gliding & Paragliding) will be held on 18 and 19 August in Aviagliana. Construction work is complete at the launch areas; and buildings for competitors and athletes are now available. A floating platform for landings on the lake will be installed soon.

The schools' design contest for the medals of the World Air Games 2009 has been highly successful, and some 90 designs have been submitted to the Jury. The winning design will be officially unveiled during the FAI General Conference 2008 at St-Vincent (Aosta Valley).

FAI Air Sports Commissions have started their selection process, and the names of the athletes invited to attend the World Air Games 2009 will be announced progressively over the next 5 months.

Further information will continue to be published on both LOC and FAI (www.worldairgames.org) Internet pages. In the meantime, FAI Sports & Development Director Jean-Marc BADAN (e-mail) will provide further information on request.

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