
The Father of the FAI Environmental Code of Conduct was buried today.

It was with great sadness that we learned that Dr. Michael GOTH, President of the FAI Environmental Commission, had been killed in a tragic Gliding accident while flying recreationally on Saturday 29 May. The funeral ceremony took place today, Thursday 17 June 2010 in Reutlingen, Germany.

Dr. Michael Goth had been a Delegate, Vice-President and then President of the FAI Environmental Commission since 1998. Dr. Goth was an enthusiastic Glider pilot who, almost 20 years ago, had identified the needs for developing communication between the world of air sports and the growing environmental associations. Starting as the environmental officer at the regional aviation association of Bade-Württemberg (GER), his work was soon recognized at both national and international levels. Thanks to his highly competent work, Dr. Goth developed and provided the FAI and the international air sports community with the first policy documents giving guidance to pilots and air sports organisations on environmental-friendly behaviour. The FAI Code of Conduct "Air Sports and the Environment" developed by Dr. Goth is and will remain one of the corner stones of FAI's environmental policy (www.fai.org/environment). The FAI President, the Executive Board and all the FAI Community express their sympathies and condolences to Dr. Goth's family, as well as to the German Air Sports community. Dr. Michael Goth will be remembered in the world of Air Sports as a towering figure who achieved great things. We have lost a great aviation supporter, contributor and friend.