
New FAI President and Executive Board elected

John Grubbström has become the new FAI President following his election at the FAI General Conference held from 5 to 10 October 2010 in Dublin. John Grubbström succeeded Pierre Portmann, who stepped down from the FAI Presidency after six years in office and was elected FAI President of Honour. After the election of the President, elections for the new Executive Board were held, which resulted in six Members being named including new Members Otto Lagarhus and Beat Neuenschwander.


John Grubbström is a Swedish medical doctor born in 1948. Before his election, he held several high positions in aviation related non-profit organisations and the FAI, which included President of the Swedish Air Sport Federation and FAI Vice President.

A holder of the Hot Air Private Balloon License since 1974, John Grubbström has been a frequent competitor (he took part in the 2009 World Air Games in Turin) and official in hot air ballooning, having flown in over 20 countries on all continents. He has been a Jury member, Steward and Competition Director of numerous events, including World championships.

Honorary President of the Swedish Ballooning Federation since 1985, he was awarded with the FAI Airsport Medal in 1998 and with the Royal Swedish Aero Club Gold Medal in 2004.

Election of the Executive Board
The new Executive Board consists of four reelected Members and two new Members, Otto Lagarhus and Beat Neuenschwander, whom we warmly welcome.

Otto Lagarhus is a Norwegian Airline Captain. He is currently the President of the Norwegian Air Sports Federation.

A Colonel in the Swiss Air Force, Beat Neuenschwander is the President of the Aero-Club of Switzerland.

Current composition of the FAI Executive Board:


Executive Directors:
Mr. Alvaro de ORLEANS BORBÓN (Deputy to President)
Mr. Robert E. CLIPSHAM (Finance)
Mr. Jonghoon LEE

Secretary General:
Mr. Stéphane DESPREZ (non voting member)