
FAI Anti-Doping Plan on progress


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Here is an update on our progress towards the creation of an updated and appropriate FAI Anti-Doping Plan.

In early May a draft plan was distributed to all Commissions and to all NACs. The report included the Risk Analysis that we had completed in March and a set of proposed next steps to help us build a competent set of FAI Anti-Doping Rules to enable us to update the existing 2009 Rules.

Risk Analysis

The risk analysis is not perfect. The data available to create the risk analysis was limited and WADA acknowledge that it is currently difficult for them to ensure they have available all the data arising from tests conducted on their behalf. In addition, some FAI Air Sport Commissions have not had any anti-doping testing results reported. However, some conclusions were able to be drawn from the risk analysis suggesting that the risk profile for air sports is three-fold:

    There is a lack of data on the potential risk in some air sports
    There may be a lack of awareness/ education about the appropriate use of TUEs for prescribed medications
    There is evidence to suggest that there is an inappropriate and unacceptable use of, especially, Cannabanoids, while flying.

FAI Anti-Doping Plan Review

The plan, circulated to all members in early May, has now been subject to three reviews; one by senior WADA Officials; one by the FAI Commissions Presidents during their annual meeting with the Executive Board on the 15th of May; and, one by those NACs that attended the informal meeting with the Executive Board last weekend.
As a result, the report, the implications from the risk analysis and the proposed next steps have been updated and a new version of the plan sent out for review and feedback

Next Steps

Feedback from all FAI members on the draft Plan is due by the end of June. This will enable us to complete the next stage of the process, which is the development of a formal plan for the review by the EB and WADA at the end of August and the final plan will be circulated to all FAI members by early September.
At the same time, work is well in hand on the education plan and the comprehensive communication programme.


Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the antidoping@fai.org" data-mce-href="mailto:antidoping@fai.org">FAI Anti-Doping Manager Ségolène Rouillon.

FAI Anti-Doping Newsletter

The newsletter is available under pdf format here available below: